70 year old male came with chief complaints of shortness of breath
A 70 years old male Patient came with chief complaints of shortness of breath since 1week. HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 years back then he developed hypopigmented patches on his body.After a year they consulted doctor and he was diagnosed with hansens disease .he developed reabsorption of toes. There was numbness and loss of sensation since 10 years.He complains of Shortness of breathe since 1week increases on exertion and left sided chest pain.he also has blurring of vision in left eye since 1year and was diagnosed with cataract.he also complains itching over the body. DAILY ROUTINE Patient was to work in their paddy field 6 months ago then he stopped working and he is doing minimal house hold work with his his wife.he wakes up at 4 AM in the morning and complete his daily routine and helps his wife in household chores.he ll have his breakfast around 8AM and has his lunch around 1PM (he mostly eat dal or curry with chapati) and has his dinn...