70 year old female came with chief complaints of shortness of breath since 5 days

 C/o shortness of breath since 1 week

C/o generalised weakness since 1 week 

Pt was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back then she developed shortness of breath , grade 2, aggregated on exertion , gradually progressed to grade 4 .

H/ o orthopnea present , no PND.No seasonal variation,no diurnal variation.No h/o fever,cold,cough.no weight loss.no pedal edema.

Past history:

K/c/o HTN 

K/c/o HFrEF

Not a k/c/o Dm2,CVA,CAD,epilepsy

Personal history:

Diet: vegetarian 

Apetite: decreased

Bowel and bladder: regular

Sleep: disturbed 


Patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative, moderately built and malnourished

Pallor: absent

Icterus: absent

Cyanosis: absent

Clubbing: absent

Lymphadenopathy: absent

Pedal edema: present


Temperature: 98 .2F

Pulse: 124beats/minute

Blood pressure:120/80mm Hg

Respiratory rate:20cpm

Systemic examination 

CVS - S1 S2 heard

R/S - 

No wheeze 

Diffuse crepts present

no palpable mass,

Trachea- central

Vesicular breath sounds heard

P/A - 

Scaphoid,Umbilicus inverted , No abdominal distention,no  visible pulsations,scars and swelling

Soft, non tender, no organo megaly


CNS - NO focal deficit found.

Ecg at admission 

Ecg after 6 hrs

Ecg within 15 mins changes

Usg abdomen

2D echo

Diagnosis:HFrEF,new onset ?AWMI ,Anaemia secondary to ckd,grade 3 uterovaginal prolapse


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